When Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005, Jonathan Tate (OJT – Office of Jonathan Tate) and his colleagues gradually relocated their office from Memphis to New Orleans to focus on rebuilding. Amidst a global economic recession, a few years later Jonathan decided to go off on his own. His traditional architectural practice “Office of […]
Architect-Developer Jonathan Segal shares his insights about how Architects can regain control of the building process and return to the role of ‘Master Builder’ in a video interview with The Skyline Forum. In many cities in the late 1800s, the role of the architect encompassed the modern responsibilities of a developer including the purchase of […]
When I decided to initiate a large development project from within our architecture studio, called Hudson Woods, among my primary goals was to reinforce the notion that good design is good business. I achieved this goal, together with a talented team. by Drew Lang On the back of good design, we sold all 25 homes […]
If you’ve been thinking of transitioning from architectural design services to real estate development, there is no longer a reason to put it off. You can use the abundance of information online and the numerous successful examples of architects taking matters into their own hands and become an architect as developer. These sources of knowledge […]
In today’s financial environment archipreneurs have to be creative when it comes to funding. Crowdfunding, the practice of investing in projects through the use of a crowd-supported web based fundraising campaign, has been proven to be successful to get projects off the ground. Last week we shared with you 5 essentials models you should know in […]
Crowdfunding presents a fantastic opportunity for architects to get projects off the ground and have more control over the entire development process. The use of crowd-supported fundraising campaigns is fundamentally changing how architects approach their work, and is proving to be an increasingly viable option for getting designs built. Conventionally, architects’ role in funding projects […]
Are architects cut out for the world of real estate? Are we able to take the reins of our designs and take on full responsibility for our projects’ development and construction? Today, a majority of architects work solely on the design end of the development process. It is common knowledge that the net value of […]
Designing and building your own ideas as an architect without seeking constant compromises with the client sounds like the perfect job. As an architect developer, Jonathan Segal lives the high life by taking the role of client, contractor and property manager of his projects, and reaps the benefits from each of these functions. After completing […]
If you’re tired of waiting for investors and want to jumpstart your own project, co-housing might be the perfect solution. Over the last few decades co-housing has become a way for architects to self-initiate and realize projects that would hardly see light of day through conventional project development channels. What is Co-Housing? Co-housing is an amalgamation […]
Traditionally, architects must rely on clients to achieve their design vision and this often means trading hours for dollars. Without the financial capital, an architect’s work remains merely theoretical, leaving us to wonder how architects may empower themselves to develop their own ideas and alter the traditional business model. Read this list of three ways […]
More and more Architects become Archipreneurs by developing their own projects. The approach is appealing. You are your own client and decide about design and development in all aspects. The following 5 Architect as Developer offices successfully developed their own residential buildings, offices and mixed-use houses. John Portman & Associates John Portman is an american architect […]