Category: Articles

How Architects Can Conquer Common Digital Marketing Roadblocks

“People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic.” — Seth Godin (American author and a former dot-com business executive.) Every project an architect works on is not simply a service, but rather a meaningful relationship. The best way to let your potential clients know about this is through sharing it […]


5 Easy Steps to Kickstart Your Career in Architectural Illustration

Are you an architect who loves to communicate ideas through sketches? Did you know that architectural illustrators play a crucial role in bringing architectural visions to life? Architectural Illustration can be a collective term that includes multiple ways of interpreting ideas and concepts in design practice. Some professionals prefer using traditional hand-drawing methods and others […]


Mastering Architectural Content Marketing with AI

The success rate of an architectural practice substantially depends on how effectively it aims to serve its clients. The preliminary phases of running a creative business include outreach of a design service to its clients. It all boils down to one thing: marketing your valuable content. It is obvious, yet it’s challenging to come up […]


How can community design contribute to a sustainable future?

The word ‘community’ literally translates to a group of people having a particular characteristic in common. Designing a space for them has to be something that truly reflects and satisfies their exact requirements. With the current increase in monetization of building spaces, the actual purpose of architecture has taken a toll. It is a reminder […]


How digital twins and VR will help build a better tomorrow?

Do you know that by 2026, the global market value for digital twinning will be $48.2 billion? According to a statement released by Paul Smetanin, President of the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis. The discussion of digital twins and Virtual Reality might not be a new exciting topic, but this piece of observation will reveal […]


Good Design is Good Business

The World Economic Forum predicts that ­vision, ­creativity and critical thinking will be most ­desirable job skills for 2020 and beyond. Tomorrow’s leading companies understand that true business ­innovation comes from highly creative employees who are willing to question, disrupt and redesign. In this article Edgar Gonzales explains why he thinks that “Good Design is […]


Freedom Architects Advances Home Designs Using VR Showrooms

In Japan’s made-to-order housing business, each design is unique. The architect puts their ideas into a plan, created to closely reflect each client’s needs—and normally, conveys this plan to the potential homeowner through blueprints, models, and CG renders. But adding a VR-based virtual showroom to this toolkit has allowed more interactive client collaboration and better […]


Inside My Design Mind: Johnston Marklee’s Sharon Johnston on Making New History

Architects Sharon Johnston and Mark Lee make beautiful spaces. An ethereal, milk-white pavilion at the forested edge of the Chilean coast. Seamless California homes balanced impossibly on hillsides. Spectacular exhibition pavilions with edges that could cut diamonds. by Jeff Link The intrigue and clarity of form found in these works, along with recent large-scale projects—the Menil […]


Tall, Green, and Global: 10 of the Most Innovative Architecture Projects of 2016

The year 2016 was a watershed moment for broad-based populist backlashes, from Brexit to Trump, “xenophobia” to “post-truth.” But looking back, this year’s architecture seems more and more like the sober run-up to these volcanic changes. by Zach Mortice From this perspective, Redshift’s list of the most innovative architecture documents a different ethos. The concerns […]


4 Tips to Get Started with Virtual Reality in Architecture

You are walking through an elegant house, admiring the large living-room windows, the paintings on the wall, and the spacious kitchen. Pendant lights cast a soft glow, the terrazzo flooring gleams beneath your feet, the furnishings feel inviting. Then you take off the virtual-reality goggles and resume your meeting. by Kim O’Connell This scenario is becoming […]

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