Tag: tiny houses

5 Amazing Tiny Houses and Their Financing Models

Tiny houses are popping up all over as more people decide to downsize and become more self-sufficient. These 5 examples show different ways of going about building and financing a tiny house, both as a private housing solution and product for mass-production. The tiny house movement is taking the housing market by storm, with small […]

Architect as Developer

Build Your Own: 6 Successfully Crowdfunded Architecture Projects

In today’s financial environment archipreneurs have to be creative when it comes to funding. Crowdfunding, the practice of investing in projects through the use of a crowd-supported web based fundraising campaign, has been proven to be successful to get projects off the ground. Last week we shared with you 5 essentials models you should know in […]


Is Micro-Scale Housing the Future of Urban Living?

According to the United Nations’ World Urbanization Prospects 2014 report, 54% of the global population lives in cities. These numbers are expected to rise in the future. As the population and rental prices continue to grow in large urban areas, a new trend of living in small places is gathering momentum. High-density cities such as London, […]

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