Gilad Rosenzweig is an architect and urban planner with two decades of experience in community development, urban tech, and the design of things big and small.
He is the executive director of DesignX – the venture accelerator of the MIT School of Architecture and Planning. DesignX is an accelerator for student-founded ventures in various fields of design and the built environment. It is a launching ground for new technology and platforms that improve the comfort, accessibility, and efficiency of buildings, places, and cities. Our goal is to be a nexus of technology, design, and planning.
Prior to DesignX, Gilad founded Smarter in the City, a non-profit accelerator for high tech start-ups in Roxbury, an inner-city neighborhood of Boston. Smarter in the City supports entrepreneurs from underrepresented communities, connecting new startups to the tech sector and helping spur economic development in one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods.
Gilad Rosenzweig has worked on urban design and planning projects across the country, including district and master plans in Memphis, Reno, and across the greater Boston area. As an architect, he designed residential and commercial projects in Canada, Israel and the UK.
Gilad is a graduate of MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning and the Bartlett School of Architecture in London.