Petra Marko is an architect, communicator and enabler of creative projects within the urban realm. She is co-founder of Marko&Placemakers and believes that sustainable design practice is about combining creativity with hands-on facilitation, mediation and communication. Pursuing her role as facilitator of good quality built environment, Petra completed a masters in Creative Entrepreneurship at Goldsmiths, University of London.
She has been actively promoting research and entrepreneurship through her work, as a member of the RIBA Small Practice Group and as leader of the Unstable City design think tank at the London School of Architecture. Petra Marko has led several High Street and employment studies in the UK and Europe and has been a contributor to numerous initiatives including RIBA Guerrilla Tactics, reSITE (Prague) and Urban Transcripts (London and Berlin). She is the author of Together Alone. Architecture and Collaboration – a book exploring the future role of architects.
About Marko&Placemakers
Marko&Placemakers is a city design and research consultancy based on transformational principles of placemaking and green urbanism established in 2013 by Igor Marko and Petra Marko, following their long-term collaboration on successful urban regeneration projects.
We bring together a team of urban designers, researchers and architects with a unique combination of skills in design, masterplanning, urban strategies and communication, in order to address social, environmental and economic issues that cities face today. Our portfolio of people-oriented projects such as Northala Fields Park builds on over a decade of experience at FoRM Associates, a practice previously co-founded by Igor Marko.